The Big Trip

Friday, 16 July 2010

OK Peeps - so What's Rockin' Your World Friday?!!

Well peeps

I have no excuse for missing last weeks post other than that life really just got in the way of blogging. I was supposed to be on a day's holiday last Friday and ended in at work -nuff said!!!

Same has happened again today so I suppose my first grateful should be that I have a job which brings in the pennies which allow me to craft?

My next grateful is to my mum and dad. They know how hectic things are for me at the moment and have asked DD to go off up north with them next week while OH and I are stuck at work. DD is very very happy about this as she loves the chance to visit our family up in Wick

On the craft front I am working on a surprise for one of the girls at work - a sort of scrapper keeper album as she became engaged recently and I wanted to make her a little piece of frippery. I will try and remember to take photos before I pass it on - I'm hoping to finish it this weekend. That said, DS is home from school this weekend so that plan may go west!!!!

I am every grateful to the people who developed Facebook as this is sometimes my only constant link with some of my not-so-nearest and definitely dearest, and is generally a much-loved window to the big wide world out there. It serves well to remind me that there is a world outside of work.

As ever I'm grateful to Virginia over at Celtic House for coming up with this wonderful way of reminding us of all the things large and small which we do have to be grateful for and perhaps forget about.

I started writing this post and felt as angry as a bag of rattlers, not a great deal of it justified I have to say, but am calming as I write and have decided that nothing about my work is so important that I can't finish early and be home for my DS arriving home.

On that point, my final grateful in a somewhat short list is, as every, to the staff at Ross's school. They continue to be the most fantastic people and never fail in their support, even when things are getting a bit scary.

Right, dear reader, that's me over and out for this week. Why don't you join us - it's good for the soul!!!!



  1. Glad to see you back Gill - a great list.
    It does help sometimes to just sit and think.
    Enjoy your weekend with your DS.
    Sue xx

  2. Hi Gill

    It doesn't matter how long or short your list is or what it contains, but a quiet moment to take a deep intake of breath and step back on a Friday to keep things in perspective is the whole reason I started this and it brings joy to me that others can feel the benefits as well!

    I hope you have a beautiful weekend!



  3. Do you know what - you are so similar to me this week! I started off writing my post thinking, what positives - it's been a crappy week. Then as soon as I started writing it all comes out doesn't it. I said Facebook too for the exact same reason :P

    Good list Gill, don't work to hard!

  4. fab list gill...

    sparkles for work and a hug for ross, have a fab weekend...

    maria x

  5. Lovely list today. The album for your friend sounds gorgeous, how thoughtful of you to make it for her when you are up to your ears in work and life. Good to hear that your M+D are so supportive and I'm sure your DD will have a super time. Enjoy your weekend, x

  6. Great list Gill! I look forward to seeing you little album too!
    Suzie xxxxx :)
